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Software Development Services

Build any software application with the support of our in-house development teams

A full service for developing software applications

Floaters Solutions has a dedicated team for the development of software applications. Specialising in Java, Flutter, Python AND Swift, we have the capability to transform your ideas into a commercial product.

Our development teams are supported by our in-house testing and DevOps teams that ensure that we’re able to deploy a functional and secure solution.

Professional Experience

Specialist Ruby and Ruby on Rails framework developers

We have specialists, fluent in both Ruby and Ruby on Rails framework. This dynamic, open source programming language focuses on simplicity, and versatility making it an effective language to build bespoke web applications.

With thousands of extensions, user friendly and mobile ready, Ruby is a fantastic code base to build your software on.

Build any app using Microsoft .NET

Floaters Solutions is an experienced .NET development agency who can build, customize and support applications with complex system requirements. .NET is a flexible and powerful framework and we can develop applications for any purposes.

Get your software tested by our specialist team

To complete our software development services, we also have an in-house test team who can meticulously test software to ensure that it’s functioning as it should.

Request an Appointment

Are you looking for a bespoke software solution for your business?Our experts can create bespoke applications, platforms and products to meet the requirements of your business
